Homelessness Network Housing Case Management

As a member of the Homelessness Network-Réseau des Sans Abris-En dass qwa uk Mann we nod ma geh win of the City of Greater Sudbury, the Community Reintegration and Housing Support program follows a Housing First approach and is dedicated to working collaboratively with individuals and communities to ensure that every door leads to services and to alleviate barriers for the homeless and at risk people.

Assistance in Obtaining Housing

The Community Reintegration and Housing Support is a long-term case management program, and assists individuals and families to find and maintain their housing. The goal is to provide assistance to those who are absolutely homeless, such as individuals living on the streets, or in places not intended for human habitation, and those couch surfing or staying at emergency shelters. The program aims at addressing and mitigating barriers to achieving permanent housing.

Case Management & Outreach

Case management is a vital aspect of the housing program, in which workers provide support, advocacy and accompaniment to community appointments, initiate referrals to other programs and services, work collaboratively with other outreach service providers to maximize the services for homeless people and provide ongoing outreach support and advocacy to individuals and families after permanent housing is established in the community. Weekly home visits are an integral part of this program, wherein individuals are supported in their homes, while addressing all housing matters and tenancy issues.

Referral Process

Any individual or family can refer themselves or be referred by other services. Intakes are completed by Central Intake workers through the Homelessness Network and then assigned to individual case managers on a case by case basis. The Central Intake Workers are located at the John Howard Society and the Corner Clinic.